Call for Papers 2025

Call for Papers

Watch Our NSREC Now Video on How to Prepare a Strong Summary


We are soliciting papers describing significant new findings in the following or related areas:

Basic Mechanisms of Radiation Effects in Electronic Materials and Devices

Single-Event Charge Collection Phenomena and Mechanisms

Ionizing Radiation Effects

Displacement Damage

Radiation Transport, Energy Deposition, and Dosimetry

Materials and Device Effects

Processing Related Radiation Effects

Hardness Assurance Covering Piece Parts, Systems, and Testing Approaches

New Modeling and Testing Techniques, Guidelines, and Hardness Assurance Methodologies

Unique Radiation Exposure Facilities, Test Facility Developments, Novel Instrumentation Methods


Radiation Effects on Electronic and Photonic Devices, Circuits, and Systems

Single Event Effects, Total Dose, and Displacement Damage

MOS, Bipolar, and Advanced Technologies

Systems on a Chip, GPUs, FPGAs, Microprocessors, and Neuromorphic Devices

Isolation Technologies, such as SOI and SOS

Methods for Hardened Design and Manufacturing

Modeling and Hardening of Devices and Circuits

Cryogenic or High Temperature Effects

Novel Device Structures, such as MEMS and Nanotechnologies

Emerging Modeling and Experimental Techniques for Hardening Systems

Space, Atmospheric, and Terrestrial Radiation Effects

Characterization and Modeling of Radiation Environments

Space Weather Events and Effects

Spacecraft Surface and Internal Charging

Predicting and Verifying Soft Error Rates (SER)

New Developments of Interest to the Radiation Effects Community

Data Workshop

The Radiation Effects Data Workshop is a forum for papers on radiation effects data on electronic devices and systems. Workshop papers are intended to provide radiation response data to scientists and engineers who use electronic devices in a radiation environment, and for designers of radiation-hardened systems. Papers describing new simulation or radiation facilities are also welcomed.

Summaries must be received by February 7, 2025

Detailed submission and formatting instructions will be available after December 1, 2024 at

Procedure for Submitting Summaries

Authors must conform to the following requirements:

  1. Prepare a single Adobe Acrobat file consisting of a cover page and an informative two to four page summary describing results appropriate for a 12-minute talk or poster presentation. The cover page must provide an abstract no longer than 35 words, the title, name and company affiliation of the authors, and company address (city, state, country). Identify the author presenting the paper and provide telephone, fax, and email address. The summary must include sufficient detail about the work to permit a meaningful technical review. In the summary, clearly indicate (a) the purpose of your work, (b) significant new results with supporting technical material, and (c) how your work advances the state of the art. Show key references to other related work. The summary must be no less than two and no more than four pages in length, including figures and tables. All figures and tables must be large enough to be clearly read. Note that this is more than an abstract, but do not exceed four pages.
  2. Prepare your summary in single-column or IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science standard two-column format, using 11 point or greater font size, formatted for either U.S. Standard (8.5 x 11 inch) or A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) page layout, with 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins on all four sides.
  3. Obtain all corporate, sponsor, and government approvals and releases necessary for presenting your paper at an open attendance international meeting.
  4. Summary submission is electronic only, through The submission process consists of entering the paper title, author(s) and affiliation(s), an abstract no longer than 35 words, and uploading the summary. Authors are prompted to state their preference for presentation (oral, poster, or data workshop poster) and for session. Details of the submission process may be found at The final category of all papers will be determined by the Technical Program Committee, which is responsible for selecting final papers from initial submissions.

Papers accepted for oral or poster presentation at the technical program are expected to be submitted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (January 2026). Selection for this issue will be based on a separate submission of a complete paper. These papers will be subject to the standard full peer review given all papers submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. Further information will be sent to prospective authors upon acceptance of their NSREC summary. It is not necessary to be an IEEE member to present a paper or attend the NSREC. However, we encourage IEEE and NPSS membership of all NSREC participants.