
Radiation Effects Steering Group Awards

Additional information regarding the Radiation Effects Committee (REC), Radiation Effects Steering Committee (RESG), past Radiation Effects Award winners, and NSREC and NPSS Awards can be found at

🏆 2021 Radiation Effects Award

Lloyd Massengill

For technical contributions to understanding radiation effects in microelectronics and leadership in the radiation effects community

🏆 2021 Merit Award

Dr. Ron Schrimpf

Dr. Ron Schrimpf is the Orrin Henry Ingram Professor of Engineering and Director of the Institute for Space and Defense Electronics at Vanderbilt University. He received his B.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota and was a professor at the University of Arizona for ten years, before joining Vanderbilt in 1996. His research is related to semiconductor devices, particularly radiation effects and reliability. The projects on which he works include semiconductor-device design and simulation, atomic-scale analysis of radiation-induced defects, application and development of design and simulation tools for radiation effects, total-dose and single-event effects in electronic devices and circuits, and development of radiation-effects and hardness-assurance test methodologies. Ron has received three of Vanderbilt’s highest awards: the Chancellor’s Cup (given for “the greatest contribution outside the classroom to undergraduate student-faculty relationships in the recent past”), the Harvey Branscomb Distinguished Professor Award (given “to recognize, and thereby to encourage in others, that combination of talents and achievements which we identify as desirable in the University faculty member: creative scholarship; stimulating and inspiring teaching which results in learning of a high order; and service to students, colleagues, the University at large, and society at large”, and the Chancellor’s Award for Research (recognizing excellence in research, scholarship, or creative expression). He has served as the President of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, Chair of the Radiation Effects Steering Group, and Chair of the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference. He received the NPSS Early Achievement Award and was elected a Fellow of the IEEE in 2000. Ron was the first Faculty Head of House for Memorial House in Vanderbilt’s residential college program for first-year students: The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons. As one of the founding Heads of House, he was involved in defining the direction of the first-year experience at Vanderbilt, which has been recognized nationally. As part of the Commons experience, Ron led and resided in Memorial House with his wife, Kathy, and eighty first-year students.

Citation: For contributions to the understanding of radiation effects in semiconductor devices and integrated circuits.

🏆 2021 Radiation Effects Early Achievement Award

No award presented

🏆 2021 NSREC Outstanding Conference Paper Award

An SRAM SEU Cross Section Curve Physics Model

D. Kobayashi, K. Hirose, K. Sakamoto, Y. Tsuchiya, S. Okamoto, S. Baba, H. Shindou, O. Kawasaki, T. Makino, T. Ohshima

🏆 2021 NSREC Meritorious Conference Paper Award

Using Machine Learning to Mitigate Single-Event Upsets in RF Circuits
and Systems

A. Ildefonso, J. Kimball, J. Cressler, D. McMorrow

🏆 2021 NSREC Outstanding Student Paper Award

Response of Integrated Silicon RF pin Diodes to X-ray and Fast Neutron

J. Teng, D. Nergui, H. Parameswaran, G. Tzintzarov, H. Ying, C. Cheon, S. Rao, A. Ildefonso, N. Dodds, N. Nowlin, M. Gorchichko, E. X. Zhang, D. M. Fleetwood, J. D. Cressler

🏆 2021 NSREC Outstanding Data Workshop Presentation Award

First Results on BJTs in Space: ELDRS Experiment on NASA Space
Electronic Testbed

A. Benedetto, H. Barnaby, C. Cook, M. Campola, A. Tender

2022 Radiation Effects Award
2022 Radiation Effects Early Achievement Award

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2022 Radiation Effects Award and the 2022 Radiation Effects Early Achievement Award.

The winners of the awards will be announced Tuesday morning, July 19 at the 2022 NSREC in Provo, Utah.

Cash awards and plaques will be presented at that time. Nomination forms are available electronically in PDF Format or in Microsoft Word format at

Forms should be sent to Michael Campola, Member-at-Large for the Radiation Effects Steering Group. Michael can be contacted at

Radiation Effects Award

The purpose of the Radiation Effects Award is to recognize individuals who have had a sustained history of outstanding and innovative technical and/or leadership contributions to the radiation effects community. The basis of the award is for individuals who have: (1) a substantial, long-term history of technical contributions that have had major impact on the radiation effects community. Examples include benchmark work that initiated major research and development activities or a major body of work that provided a solution to a widely recognized problem in radiation effects; and/or (2) a demonstrated long-term history of outstanding and innovative leadership contributions in support of the radiation effects community. Examples include initiation or development of innovative approaches for promoting cooperation and exchange of technical information or outstanding leadership in support of the professional development of the members of the radiation effects community.

Radiation Effects Early Achievement Award

The purpose of the Radiation Effects Early Achievement Award is to recognize an individual early in his or her career whose technical contributions and leadership have had a significant impact on the field of radiation effects. The basis of the award is for individuals whose technical contributions and leadership during the first ten years of the recipient’s career that have had a major impact on the Radiation Effects Community. Examples include work that provides a solution to important technical problems in radiation effects or work that identifies significant new issues in the field. Other factors are cumulative research contributions over the first part of the career, internationally recognized leadership, and mentorship. It is the intent of the RESG to give special consideration for this award to members of the community who are IEEE/NPSS members.