Technical Program 2025

Technical Program Chair
Andrew Sternberg
Vanderbilt University

Technical Program

You are cordially invited to attend the 2025 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference to be held July 14-18, 2025 at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee. The conference features a technical program consisting of eight to ten technical sessions of contributed papers describing the latest observations in radiation effects, a Short Course on radiation effects issues, a Radiation Effects Data Workshop, and an Industrial Exhibit. The technical program includes oral and poster sessions. Papers on nuclear and space radiation effects on electronic and photonic materials, devices, circuits, sensors, and systems, as well as semiconductor processing technology and design techniques for producing radiation-tolerant (hardened) devices and integrated circuits, will be presented at this meeting of engineers, scientists, and managers. International participation is strongly encouraged.

We are soliciting papers describing significant new findings in the following or related areas:

Basic Mechanisms of Radiation Effects in Electronic Materials and Devices

Single-Event Charge Collection Phenomena and Mechanisms

Ionizing Radiation Effects

Displacement Damage

Radiation Transport, Energy Deposition, and Dosimetry

Materials and Device Effects

Processing Related Radiation Effects

Hardness Assurance Covering Piece Parts, Systems, and Testing Approaches

New Modeling and Testing Techniques, Guidelines, and Hardness Assurance Methodologies

Unique Radiation Exposure Facilities, Test Facility Developments, Novel Instrumentation Methods


Radiation Effects on Electronic and Photonic Devices, Circuits, and Systems

Single Event Effects, Total Dose, and Displacement Damage

MOS, Bipolar, and Advanced Technologies

Systems on a Chip, GPUs, FPGAs, Microprocessors, and Neuromorphic Devices

Isolation Technologies, such as SOI and SOS

Methods for Hardened Design and Manufacturing

Modeling and Hardening of Devices and Circuits

Cryogenic or High Temperature Effects

Novel Device Structures, such as MEMS and Nanotechnologies

Emerging Modeling and Experimental Techniques for Hardening Systems

Space, Atmospheric, and Terrestrial Radiation Effects

Characterization and Modeling of Radiation Environments

Space Weather Events and Effects

Spacecraft Surface and Internal Charging

Predicting and Verifying Soft Error Rates (SER)

New Developments of Interest to the Radiation Effects Community