Technical Program Chair
Jonathan “Jonny” Pellish
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Technical Program
“On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, I invite you to attend the 2023 NSREC Technical Program. Rapid advancements in microelectronics, significant new investments on the horizon, and ever-expanding mission scope make events like NSREC more important than ever. Students and seasoned professionals alike will benefit from broad topic coverage and robust technical debates. The chairpersons for these eleven sessions will assemble an exceptional program covering the latest developments in nuclear and space radiation effects. I look forward to working with all the session chairs, reviewers, and authors who will contribute to an outstanding technical program.”
-Jonny Pellish
The NSREC technical program consists of contributed oral and poster papers, a data workshop, and invited talks. The oral presentations will be 12 minutes in duration with an additional three minutes for questions. The technical sessions and their chairpersons are:
Basic Mechanisms
Ani Khachatrian, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Dosimetry and Facilities
Richard Sharp, Radtest Ltd.
Hardening by Design
Paula Chen, AMD, Inc.
Hardness Assurance—Piece Parts to Systems and Testing Approaches
Courtney Matzkind, Missile Defense Agency
Photonic Devices and Integrated Circuits
George Tzintzarov, The Aerospace Corporation
Radiation Effects in Devices and Integrated Circuits
Rudy Ferraro, CERN
Single-Event Effects—Devices and Integrated Circuits
Françoise Bezerra, CNES
Single-Event Effects—Mechanisms and Modeling
Jason Osheroff, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Space and Terrestrial Environments
Scott Messenger, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Poster Session
Chair: Jeff George, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Radiation Effects Data Workshop
Chair: Andrea Coronetti, CERN
Submission Timeline
Technical abstracts are due Friday, February 3, 2023. The abstract submission link will open on Saturday, December 10, 2022. Please note: Late News abstracts will be submitted during a 1-month window in April and May 2023.
MELD Meeting
The meld meeting is where all abstract decisions are made, including session assignment, presentation format (e.g., oral or poster), and in what order they will be presented. The final program schedule is also determined at the meld meeting. Required attendees include the Technical Program Chair, the Poster Chair, the Data Workshop Chair, all the session chairs, and the Vice-Chair for Publications. Other attendees are at the discretion of the Technical Program Chair and often include the Conference Chair, the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science senior editor for radiation effects, and the following year’s Technical Program Chair. All proceedings at the meld meeting are confidential.
The meld meeting will be held in Washington, DC on March 14-15, 2023. The short course dry run will be conducted on March 16, 2023, following completion of meld meeting activities.
WED. JULY 26, 2023 11:30 AM TO 1:00 PM
Ticket Required to Attend
A special lunch will be held in the Chouteau room for IEEE member attendees who are Young Professionals (,
This year, we will be specifically looking to hear your inputs, whether they are new experiences, lessons learned, lessons not learned, plans, successes, and even failures related to radiation effects in your career. This is an excellent opportunity for newer members of the community to informally chat, network, eat lunch, and share their visions of the radiation effects field looking forward. There’s no requirement to participate openly, and a few brief, anonymous questions followed by a moderated discussion will address the following topics:
Workforce Development
Let’s turn the tables of workforce development and hear from the youngest employees. What’s actually working in your organization? What are we missing that other young professionals need to succeed?
Engineering Resources
It’s time to discuss practical, on-the-job matters. Where can the field improve its engineering quality? How can we do our jobs better?
Radiation Effects Knowledge Transfer
Many esteemed radiation effects engineers with a lifetime of experience have developed a wealth of knowledge as the field itself evolved. How well is that knowledge spreading in your organization? Who is successfully learning on the job, and where can we do a better job of passing down the skills of the trade?
Don’t miss your opportunity to have your voice heard, meet new friends, and learn something new at the Young Professionals’ lunch. Tickets are required.
THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2023 11:30 AM TO 1:15 PM
Ticket Required to Attend
A special lunch will be held in the Chouteau room for Women in Engineering and is sponsored by the IEEE NPSS society. This event is open to all attendees who are interested in discussing women’s issues in engineering and other related career fields. This year’s speaker is Marti McCurdy, Spirit Electronics CEO. She will be speaking on the topic “Lessons Learned from the Barnyard to the Board Room”.
Talk write-up: Growing up in Central Pennsylvania’s Amish community has provided the ground work to be strong willed, resilient to a fault, and run the most award- winning small distribution channel for the Prime Defense contractors and Space Companies in the US. This talk will discuss lessons learned from six years in the Air Force and how it has prepared me for running companies as diverse as a motorcycle shop to patenting a child safety car seat alarm and the effects of being in proximity to technology helped foster the direction of a career in semiconductors. Spanning decades, lessons learned never expire, they continue to deepen and expand with the challenges facing today’s business environment.
Speaker bio: Marti McCurdy, CEO of Spirit Electronics, is a veteran not only of the semiconductor business but also a veteran of the United States Air Force. Marti’s career has been an entrepreneurial path that has driven her to start and run multiple companies. Marti acquired Spirit Electronics in September 2017, a distribution company serving military and space contractors. Marti’s focus as CEO at Spirit Electronics is to offer product plus value add, turnkey solutions to the aerospace
and defense industry for high reliability components. She exercises her engineering knowledge of space qualified flows and sophisticated testing to deliver space qualified components. Throughout her career as a business owner and past positions as VP, Marti’s goal is to bring her high standard of customer service and cultivate relationships to serve the aerospace sector she is so familiar with. Marti holds a current patent and is a published author in ultrasonic applications.
Note: Tickets are required so check the box for this lunch when you register for the conference.