7:00 AM
Trillium Ballroom
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Ottawa Salon
Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) Challenges for Spaceborne Computing
Jyotika Athavale, 2024 IEEE Computer Society President
Director, Silicon Lifecycle Management and Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) Architecture; Synopsys
Jyotika is a Director, Engineering Architecture at Synopsys, leading quality, reliability and safety research, pathfinding and architectures for data centers and automotive applications. She also serves as the 2024 President of the IEEE Computer Society, overseeing overall IEEE-CS programs, operations and service to the global computing community.
Jyotika leads and influences several international standardization initiatives in the area of RAS/safety in IEEE, ISO, SAE, JEDEC and OCP. She led the development of the IEEE 2851-2023 standard on Functional Safety Data Format for Interoperability, and now chairs the IEEE P2851.1 standardization initiative on Functional Safety interoperability with reliability. For her leadership in international safety standardization, Jyotika was awarded the 2023 IEEE SA Standards Medallion. And for her leadership in service, she was awarded the IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Award in 2022.
Jyotika has authored patents and many technical publications in various international conferences and journals. She has also pioneered & chaired international workshops and conferences in the field of dependable technologies.
9:00 AM
Chair: David Hughart, Sandia National Laboratories
9:05 AM
Electron Holography Characterization of Total Ionizing Dose Effects in Oxide-Nitride Stack
C. Chang1, H. Barnaby1, M. McCartney1, D. Smith1, K. Holbert1
1. Arizona State University, USA
Dark count rate is monitored in single- and dual-layer 150 nm CMOS SPADs, during and after irradiation with a neutron source, to investigate the dynamics of defect formation and short- and mid-term annealing.
9:20 AM
Enhancement of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Ferroelectric Properties by Proton Irradiation
D. Zhang1, P. Lu1, H. Ma1, B. Wang2, C. Yang1, X. Li1, K. Wang1, J. Gao1, B. Li1
1. Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Silicon Devices, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2. Laboratory of Integrated Circuits and Microsystems, China
A hafnium-zirconium oxide (Hf0.5Zr0.5O2, HZO) ferroelectric properties’ enhancement technology by proton irradiation was demonstrated. The 5-MeV proton-irradiation- induced monoclinic-to-tetragonal phase transfer can effectively reduce HZO non- volatile memory’s coercivity field by 19.0% (from 1.61 to 1.30 MV/cm).
9:35 AM
TCAD-Optimization Coupling Enabled TID Modeling and Calibration of Commercial SiC Power MOSFET
X. Gao1, J. Ray1, E. Rhoades1, J. Young1, B. Rummel1, L. Musson1, T. Buchheit1
1. Sandia National Laboratories, USA
We propose a TCAD-optimization coupling approach that allows to determine major device parameters in COTS devices. The coupling together with surrogate model and Bayesian calibration enables accurate TID modeling and calibration of commercial SiC MOSFET.
9:50 AM
Investigating the Effects of Individual Neutron-Induced Defects in Bipolar Junction Transistors
S. Banerjee1, X. Gao1, J. Young1, L. Ho2, L. Musson1, H. Barnaby2, T. Buchheit1
1. Sandia National Laboratories, USA
2. Arizona State University, USA
Neutron induced displacement damage in BJTs is modeled with TCAD using DLTS informed trap properties. Individual effects of those defects are studied by calibrating the model against experimental measurements performed at various neutron fluences.
10:05 AM – 10:35 AM
10:35 AM
Chair: Florent Miller (Nucletudes)
10:40 AM
Single-Event Responses of Dual- and Triple-Well Designs at the 5-nm Bulk FinFET Technology Node
J. Kronenberg1, N. Pieper1, Y. Xiong1, C. Nunez Sanchez1, D. Ball1, B. Bhuva1
1. Vanderbilt University, USA
The addition of a triple-well significantly changes charge collection in advanced FinFET technologies. Results from heavy-ion and alpha exposures show increased SEU vulnerability for triple-well designs over dual-well designs at the 5-nm FinFET nodes.
10:55 AM
Impacts of Elevated Temperatures on Laser-Equivalent LET Calculations
J. Hales1, A. Ildefonso1, A. Khachatrian1, G. Allen2, D. McMorrow1
1. US Naval Research Laboratory, USA
2. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
Elevated temperature can impact the accuracy of laser-equivalent LET calculations due to the temperature dependence of optical absorption. This study aims to account for this dependence by analyzing collected charge in a simple test vehicle.
11:10 AM
The Effect of Heavy Ion Strikes on Charge Trap Memory Arrays with Analog State Programmability
T. Xiao1, C. Bennett1, W. Donald2, J. Joffrion1, D. Udoni1, A. Talin1, V. Agrawal3, H. Puchner3, M. Marinella2, S. Agarwal1, D. Hughart1
1. Sandia National Laboratories, USA
3. Infineon Technologies, USA
Heavy-ion single-event effects were characterized in 40nm SONOS computational charge-trap memory programmed to 32 analog states. The state dependence and spatial profile of the effects were resolved. Struck devices showed no degradation in long-term retention.
11:25 AM
Effectiveness of NIEL as a Predictor of Single-Particle Displacement Damage Effects
J. Trippe1, B. Sierawski1, H. Dattilo1, R. Reed1
1. Vanderbilt University, USA
NIEL’s usefulness as a figure of merit for single particle displacement damage effects is investigated. Nuclear physics codes predict discrepancies correlating NIEL to predicted damage distributions. Implications for testing and rate predictions are explored.
11:45 AM – 1:15 PM
1:45 PM – 4:30 PM
Chair: Li Chen, University of Saskatchewan
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM
DW-1 Compendium of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Recent Radiation Effects Test Results
M. Obryan1, S. Roffe2, E. Wilcox2, M. Campola2, J. Osheroff2, M. Casey2, M. Joplin2, T. Carstens2, J. Barth2, L. Ryder2, K. Ryder2, J. Lauenstein2, W. Adia2, P. Majewicz2
1. SSAI Inc., USA
2. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
We present results and analysis investigating the radiation effects on a variety of candidate spacecraft electronics including heavy ion and proton induced SEE, proton- induced displacement damage dose (DDD), and total ionizing dose (TID).
DW-2 Total Ionizing Dose Testing of a Current Sense Amplifier for Space Applications
D. Gomez Toro1, H. Kuhm1, H. Gunasekar1, M. Eilenberger1, N. Aksteiner1
1. German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
The work presented in this paper shows the results of the total ionizing dose (TID) test on current sense amplifiers of the series INA 240A4-Q1. Biased and unbiased samples were characterized up to 200 krad.
DW-3 Compendium of Single-Event Effects Test Results for Candidate Electronics at NASA Johnson Space Center from 2023
E. Agarwal1, J. Pritts1, K. Nguyen1, R. Rinderknecht1, S. Martinez1, R. Gaza1, C. Bailey1, B. Reddell1
1. NASA Johnson Space Center, USA
We present test results and analysis produced by NASA JSC in 2023 for candidate electronics. Test environments include heavy ions or protons, depending on intended use case regarding mission, environment, application, and lifetime.
DW-4 A Space Qualified High Accuracy Linear-in-dB RMS Detector with High Dynamic Range
C. Xiao1
1. Analog Devices Inc, USA
A high accuracy linear-in-dB RMS detector with high dynamic range and frequency up to 40 GHz was designed. The radiation tests were performed to show the radiation tolerance, including TID, heavy ion SEE, and LDR tests.
DW-5 IRRAD/CHARM, a CERN Irradiation Facility for Accelerator and Experiments Radiation Hardness Qualification
P. Pelissou1, D. Bozzato1, S. Danzeca1, S. Fiore1, R. Froeschl1, B. Gkotse1, J. Lendaro1, G. Pezzulo1, F. Ravotti1
1. CERN, Switzerland
Radiation hardness qualification of ever-changing detectors, electronics components, and materials is an everyday challenge. The IRRAD/CHARM facility at CERN has a key role in performing irradiation tests for diverse applications and increasing number of users.
DW-6 Assessing the Suitability of a 28nm European FPGA for CERN LHC Environments: An In-Depth Radiation Qualification Study
L. Koers1,2, R. Jung1,2, A. Scialdone3, R. Ferraro1, M. Karagounis2, S. Danzeca1, A. Masi1
1. CERN, Switzerland
3. University of Montpellier, FranceThis study presents the radiation qualification of the GateMate FPGA from Cologne Chip. The tests addressed the sensitivity of the different individual elements and evaluated the overall sensitivity of the FPGA using benchmark circuits.
DW-7 TID and ELDRS Evaluation of SiGe HBTs Integrated in a 45-nm PDSOI BiCMOS Process
D. Nergui1, Z. Brumbach1, J. Teng1, J. Shin1, D. Sam1, G. Tzintzarov2, J. Taggart2, A. Wright2, A. Bushmaker2, P. Harris3, M. McCurdy3, R. Reed3, J. Cressler1
1. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
3. Vanderbilt University, USA
TID response and ELDRS of newly-developed SiGe HBT integrated in a 45-nm PDSOI BiCMOS process are evaluated. The devices showed good TID tolerance when irradiated at both low and high dose rates.
DW-8 Radiation Hardened MOSFET Fabricated at LA Semiconductor
A. Benedetto1, P. Benedetto2
1. Alphacore, USA
VPT Components developed n-channel radiation-hardened MOSFETs at LA Semiconductor. These RAD7130 (100VSize 3 die) MOSFETs are radiation hardened to 100 krad(Si) and SEE immune to Xe (15 MeV/n beam) at full rated drain potential.DW-9 Radiation Evaluation of the TPS7H6003-SP 200V Half-Bridge GaN Gate Driver
T. Lew1, E. Johnson1, A. Mareinlarena1, J. Nuttall1
1. Texas Instruments, USA
Single-events effect (SEE) characterization and total ionizing dose (TID) results for the TPS7H6003-SP GaN FET gate driver are summarized, showing very robust SEE performance up to LETEFF=75 MeV-cm2/mg and excellent TID behavior.
DW-10 Radiation Evaluation of the TPS7H2140-SEP Radiation-Tolerant 32 V, 160 mΩ Quad-Channel eFuse
A. Marinelarena1, J. Cruz-Colon1, T. Lew1
1. Texas Instruments, USA
Single-events effect (SEE) characterization and total ionizing dose (TID) results for TPS7H2140-SEP 32 V, 160 mΩ Quad-Channel eFuse is summarized, showing very robust SEE performance up to LETEFF = MeV-cm2/mg.
DW-11 Heavy Ion Radiation Effects Facility Developments at Michigan State University
A. Yeck1, S. Cogan1, E. Daykin1, D. McNanney1, B. Phan1, S. Lidia1
1. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, USA
A review of the technical developments at Michigan State University’s heavy ion radiation effects facility.
DW-12 Guide to the 2023 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop Record
D. Hiemstra1
1. MDA, Canada
The 2023 Workshop Record has been reviewed and a table prepared to facilitate the search for radiation response data by part number, type, or effect.
DW-13 Functional Failure and Parametric Degradation of Commercial-off-the- Shelf Electronics Irradiated With High Energy Protons
D. Hiemstra1, B. Torres-Kulik1, M. Mahmud1, F. Desulme1
1. MDA, Canada
Commercial-off-the-shelf electronic components were subjected to 105 MeV proton irradiation to characterize their susceptibility to total ionizing dose and displacement damage dose.
DW-14 Irradiation Campaign on TinyVers: A System-on-Chip for Ultra-Low Power NN Inference
N. Jonckers1,2, R. Van Dyck2, G. Dekkers2, B. Boons2, J. Prinzie1, Y. Cao2
1. KU Leuven University, Belgium
2. Magics Technologies, Belgium
This work presents the SEE and TID irradiation campaign that was conducted on TinyVers, a System-on-Chip designed to target ultra-low power neural network inference for applications running at the extreme edge.
DW-15 Heavy Ion Characterization of GaN HEMT Hybrids Under RF Loading
J. Likar1, J. Dennison1, J. Osheroff2, C. Pham1, S. Reynolds1, D. Matlin1, K. Nunely1, M. Harris1
1. Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkings University, USA
2. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
A pair of Qorvo (Triquint) based GaN HEMT hybrids were subjected to heavy ion single-event effects testing under application specific bias and RF loading.
DW-16 Results of Single-Event Effect Testing at the New HEARTS@CERN High-Energy Heavy Ion Facility at CERN
A. Coronetti1,2, M. Sacristan Barbero1,2, R. Garcia Alia1, A. Waets1, N. Emriskova1, K. Bilko1, E. Johnson1
1. CERN, Switzerland
2. University of Montpellier, France
We present results for SEU, SEL and SEB testing of several electronic devices under high-energy heavy ion irradiation at the new HEARTS@CERN facility at CERN.
DW-17 Single-Event Effects and Total Ionizing Dose Characterization of MNEMOSYNE STT MRAMPrototype with 1.8V SPI Interface
S. Gerardin1, M. Bagatin1, P. Wang2, P. Kohler2, A. Bosser2, L. Gouyet3, G. Vignon3, P. Zuber4, G. Thys4
1. University of Padova, Italy
4. IMEC, Belgium
Single-event effects and total ionizing dose results of the final prototype of the memory ASIC for space applications developed in the framework of the EU H2020 MNEMOSYNE project are presented.
DW-18 Heavy-Ion SET and SEL Response of a Wide-Band Operational Amplifier Fabricated in the SkyWater S90LN 90 nm Process
J. Carpenter1, D. Loveless1, R. Young2, J. Kim1, H. Barnaby3, J. Neuendank3, M. Nour4, P. Manos4, M. Chambers4, J. Pew1
1. Indiana University, USA
4. SkyWater Technology, USA
Heavy-ion single-event latchup and transient data are presented for a wide-band operational amplifier fabricated in the SkyWater S90LN process. The SET cross- sections are limited to 3 ×10−6 cm2; the design is immune to SEL up to 82 MeV-cm2/mg
DW-19 Understanding Commercial Power MOSFET Survivability in a Heavy- Ion Environment Using High Throughput Screening
O. Ahmad1, D. Castelli1, C. Kong1, H. Diggins1, K. Diggins1, Z. J. Diggins1
1. Cyclo Technologies Inc., USA
We present an approach using large scale testing campaigns to select commercial- off-the-shelf components for space applications. We tested three samples each of 533 power MOSFET part numbers, analyzing their single-event performance.
DW-20 Total Dose and Single-Event Effects Testing of the ISL73006SLH and ISL73007SEH Point-of-Load Regulators
M. Campanella1, W. Newman1, N. Van Vonno1, B. Rabel1, L. Pearce1, E. Thomson1, C. Thomson1
1. Renesas Electronics America, USA
We report the single-event effects and total ionizing dose test results for the ISL73006SLH and ISL73007SEH radiation hardened 1 A and 3 A point-of-load regulators.
DW-21 Combined Total Dose and Displacement Damage Testing of the ISL71831SEH 32-Channel Analog Multiplexer
N. Van Vonno1, W. Newman1, L. Pearce1, E. Thomso1, M. Campanella1
1. Renesas, USA
We report the results of combined total ionizing dose and displacement damage testing performed by Renesas Electronics America on the ISL71831SEH, a radiation tolerant 32 channel analog multiplexer fabricated in an SOI process.
DW-22 2024 Compendium of Radiation-Induced Effects for Candidate Particle Accelerator
R. Ferraro1, G. Foucard1, A. Scialdone1, A. Zimmaro1, G. Andreetta1, D. Krzysztof Rucinski1, L. Koers1, S. Danzeca1, A. Masi1
1. CERN, Switzerland
The sensitivity of a variety of components for particle accelerator electronics has been analyzed against single-event effects, total ionizing dose, and displacement damage. The tested parts include analog, linear, digital, and mixed devices.
DW-23 Single-Event Effects Characterization of the Frontgrade Technologies UT24CP1008 CertusProTM-NX-RT FPGA for Space Applications
G. Hoglund1, M. Von Thun1, E. Fehrman1, B. Baranski1, R. Dumitru1, A. Turnbull1
1. Frontgrade, USA
Single-event effects (SEE) radiation characterization was performed on the Frontgrade Technologies UT24CP1008 CertusProTM-NX-RT FPGA. The device was shown to be suitable for space applications.
DW-24 Evaluation of Radiation Effects Performance in GF 12-nm FinFET Node
C. Elash1, J. Xing1, P. Pour Momen1, R. Chen1, D. Lambert1, J. Cardenas1, Z.-R. Li1, R. Fung2, S.-J. Wen2, L. Chen1
1. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
2. Cisco Systems, USA
Flip-flops using LVT/RVT/HVT options and ring-oscillators were designed and fabricated in a 12-nm FinFET node. Radiation testing results showed significant resilience to SEE and TID effects compared to planar bulk technologies.
DW-25 SEL Characterization of a Frontgrade QCOTS 18GB DDR4 Memory for Space Applications
P. Nelson1, T. Meade2, M. Von Thun1, B. Baranski2, A. Turnbull1, R. Dmitru1, E. Self1
1. Frontgrade Technologies, USA
Single-event latchup (SEL) radiation characterization was performed on a Frontgrade quantified-off-the-shelf (QCOTS) 16Gb DDR4 memory. Testing will determine the latchup threshold for the device.
DW-26 Heavy Ion and Laser-Induced Single-Event Effects Test Results for a Low-Dropout Regulator and Voltage Feedback Amplifiers
E. Auden1, J. George1, T. Fairbanks1, S. Turner1
1. Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Heavy ion and single photon absorption laser testing results are reported for the investigation of destructive and transient single-event effects in three radiation- hardened, commercial-off-the-shelf analog parts: one low-dropout regulator and two voltage feedback amplifiers.
DW-27 SEE and Total Dose Results of the ISL71148SLHM 8-Channel High Precision 14-bit, 900ksps SAR ADC
W. Newman1, N. Van Vonno1, M. Campanella1, J. Harris1, J. Brik1, D. Thornberry1, C. Michalski1, E. Thomson1
1. Renesas Electronics America, USA
We report the single-event performance and low dose rate TID results of the radiation-hardened ISL71148SLHM 8 channel, high precision, 14-bit, SAR analog to digital converter.
DW-28 Total Ionizing Dose and SEE Testing of the TPS7H4011-SP 14V, 12A Synchronous Buck Converter
K. Rakos1, T. Hubbard1, A. Marinelarena1, T. Lew1
1. Texas Instruments, USA
We test and report single-event effects and total ionizing dose of the TPS7H4011-SP, a radiation-hardened, 14V, 12A synchronous buck converter optimized for use in a space environment.
DW-29 Proton Testing of Texas Instruments TDA4VM SoC
S. Davis1, N. Belsten1, J. Crook1, D. Enright1, J. Taggart1
1.The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Some processors developed for ground-based edge applications could support space mission activities. This work evaluates the performance of the Texas Instruments TDA4VM heterogeneous SoC when irradiated with high energy protons.
DW-30 LDR Testing of JFET and 2.5V Reference for Europa Clipper UVS
Z. Olson1, R. Monreal1
1. Southwest Research Institute, USA
The 2N4861 JFET and RH1009 2.5V reference intended for the Europa Clipper mission were tested under low dose rate conditions (10 mrad/s). Both devices performed within acceptable tolerances of their applications up to 100 krad.
DW-31 Total Non-Ionizing Dose Characterization of Microchip LX7720
M. Leuenberger1, R. Stevens1, D. Johnson1
1. Microchip Technology, USA
The total non-ionizing dose characterization results of Microchip Technology’s motor driver, the LX7720, with four half-bridge drivers, rotation and position sensing IC, are presented.
DW-32 Recent Heavy Ion and Laser Probe SEE Test Data for Texas Instruments LMX2615-SP 40 MHz to 15 GHz Wideband Synthesizer
K. Kruckmeyer1
1. Texas Instruments, USA
The LMX2615-SP is a frequency synthesizer (clock) with integrated PLL and VCO that can generate frequencies up to 15 GHz. SEE characterization data are presented from testing at LBNL and TAMU and with a laser.
DW-33 Radiation Characterization Results of AF54RHC 300 krad(Si) Logic Family
A. Ghoshal1, A. Quiroz1, M. Hamlyn1, A. Billings1, T. Farris1
1. Apogee Semiconductor, USA
This paper details the results for TID testing up to 400 krad(Si) and SEE testing at a maximum LETEFF of 93.3 MeV·cm2/mg for Apogee Semiconductor’s AF54RHC product family. These results demonstrate suitability for space applications.
DW-34 High Energy, Heavy Ion Testing at BNL: Facility and Operations Update
T. Olsen1, K. Brown2
1. NASA Space Radiation Lab (BNL), USA
2. Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
The heavy ion synchrotron at BNL provides high energy SEE testing capability to a large, international community. Updates on NSRL and plans for a new beamline dedicated to electronics testing are discussed.
DW-35 Single-Event Upset Characterization of the LS1046A Microprocessor Using Proton Irradiation
D. Hiemstra1, N. Hu1
1. MDA, Canada
Experimental single-event upset characterization of the LS1046A microprocessor using proton irradiation is presented. Results for various cache memory configurations, running an operating system, bare-metal, floating-point and fixed- point algorithms are compared.
DW-36 Single-Event Upset Characterization of the Versal® XCVC1902 Dual- Core ARM® Cortex™A72 Application Processor Unit Using Proton Irradiation
D. Hiemstra1, N. Hu1
1. MDA, Canada
The proton induced SEU cross-section of the Versal XCVC1902 dual-core ARM® Cortex™-A72 Application Processor Unit is presented. Upset rate in the space radiation environment is estimated.
DW-37 Single-Event Upset Characterization of Microsemi RISC-V Softcore CPUs on Polarfire MPF300T-1FCG1152E Field Programmable Gate Arrays Using Proton Irradiation
D. Hiemstra1, D. Ramaswami2, S. Shi2, Z. Wang2, L. Chen2
1. MDA, Canada
2. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
SEU cross-sections of the Polarfire FPGA programmed with various Microsemi RISC-V Softcore CPUs are presented. Upset rates in the space radiation environment are estimated and found to be acceptable for low-orbit missions.
DW-38 New Fusion Linear Accelerator for Radiation Effects (FLARE™) Testing Facility Proof of Concept Tests and Potential Use Cases
C. Kolb1, M. Wissink1
1. SHINE Technologies, USA
SHINE Technologies has conducted two radiation effects tests with customers to demonstrate functionality and collect data at its new 14-MeV fusion neutron radiation testing facility, FLARE. Planned facility upgrades will increase user and test throughput.
DW-39 Radiation Test Results from a Survey of Recent e.MMC Managed Flash Devices
I. Troxel1, M. Gruber1
1. Troxel Aerospace Industries, USA
Heavy ion DSEE and NDSEE and gamma-induced TID characterization results are presented for recent-generation e.MMC managed flash devices.
DW-40 TID and SEE Response of AD524CDZ Instrumentation Amplifier
J. Cardenas Chavez1, D. Hiemstra2, A. Noguera Cundar1, B. Johnson1, D. Baik1, L. Chen1
1. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
2. MDA, Canada
TID effects on AD524CDZ instrumentation amplifier were studied using low dose rate Co-60 chamber. SEE behavior was studied using high energy protons and two- photon absorption laser to identify sensitive areas of the device.
DW-41 TID and SEE Response of the COTS LI-OV9712-USB-M8 Camera
A. Noguera Cundar1, D. Hiemstra2, J. Cardenas Chavez1, N. Phonsavath1, M. Pajuelo3, L. Chen1
1. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
3. University of Victoria, Canada
The LI-OV9712-USB-M8 camera was studied using low dose rate Co-60 chamber and 105 MeV proton beams. Results revealed the camera presented high robustness against total ionizing dose but failed rapidly in proton irradiation.
DW-42 TID and SEE Evaluation of the ADALM PlutoSDR Transceiver
R. Moody1, J. Yang2, D. Hiemstra3, B. Sun1, J. Cardenas Chavez1, A. Noguera Cundar1, L. Chen1
1. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
3. MDA, Canada
TID and SEE evaluation of the PlutoSDR transceiver were performed using low dose rate Co-60 radiation and high energy protons, respectively. TID tolerance up to 50 krad was demonstrated. Only non-destructive SEFIs were observed.
DW-43 TID Response of Various COTS Operational Amplifiers
B. Sun1, R. Moody1, D. Hiemstra2, J. Yang3, A. Noguera Cundar1, J. Cardenas Chavez1, L. Chen1
1. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
3. University of Alberta, Canada
Total ionizing dose effects on various COTS operational amplifiers were studied using low dose 60Co irradiation. Total dose tolerance to 30 krad(Si) is demonstrated.
DW-44 Irradiation of Commercial Equipment for Robotic Applications in a Highly Ionizing Radiation Field
K. Stoev1, E. Simova1
1. Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Canada
Performance of commercial equipment suitable for application in high radiation fields on robotic platforms wasevaluated at various dose rates. Total ionizing dose (TID) for catastrophic failure was determined for some of the tested equipment.
4:45 PM – 6:30 PM