Technical Program 2024

Technical Program Chair
William H. Robinson
Georgia Tech Research Institute

Technical Program

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, I invite you to attend the 2024 NSREC Technical Program in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa. This international gathering of representatives from industry, academia, and government will enhance our understanding of the latest developments in nuclear and space radiation effects on materials, microelectronics, and systems. We welcome the attendance from students to seasoned professionals to engage in robust technical debates across a broad set of topics in the research field. I am grateful for the service of our poster chair, data workshop chair, and our session chairs who will assemble an outstanding program. I look forward to working with all the authors, reviewers, invited speakers, and chairpersons who will contribute to the 2024 NSREC Technical Program.

-William H. Robinson, Georgia Tech Research Institute

The NSREC Technical Program consists of contributed oral and poster papers, a data workshop, and invited talks. The oral presentations will be 12 minutes in duration with an additional three minutes for questions. The technical sessions and their chairpersons are:

Basic Mechanisms of Radiation Effects

David Hughart, Sandia National Laboratories

Dosimetry and Facilities

Federico Ravotti, CERN

Hardening by Design

Dakai Chen, Zero-G Radiation Assurance

Hardness Assurance Technologies, Modeling, and Testing

Camille Bélanger-Champagne, TRIUMF

Photonic Devices and Integrated Circuits

Serena Rizzolo, Airbus Defence and Space

Radiation Effects in Devices and Integrated Circuits

Adrian Ildefonso, Naval Research Laboratory

Single-Event Effects: Devices and Integrated Circuits

Daniel Limbrick, North Carolina A&T State University

Single-Event Effects: Mechanisms and Modeling

Florent Miller, Nuclétudes

Space and Terrestrial Environments

Justin Likar, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Poster Session

Chair: Daisuke Kobayashi, JAXA

Radiation Effects Data Workshop

Chair: Li Chen, University of Saskatchewan

Submission Timeline

Technical abstracts are due on Friday, February 2, 2024. The abstract submission link will open on Saturday, December 9, 2023. Please note: Late News abstracts will be submitted during a one-month window in April and May 2024.


Those papers that can be presented more effectively in a visual format with group discussion will be displayed in the Poster Session. Posters can be viewed during the week, and authors will be available during the Poster Session (date TBA). The Poster Session is chaired by Daisuke Kobayashi from JAXA.


Workshop papers provide piece part radiation response data and radiation test facilities technical information. Workshop papers can be viewed during the week, and authors will be available during the Workshop Session (date TBA). The Data Workshop is chaired by Li Chen from the University of Saskatchewan.


NSREC 2024 will have three guest speakers through the week.