7:00 AM
Exhibit Hall A
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Exhibit Hall B
Brewing Beer: Process Overview from Grain to Package
Rob Odell, Filtration Supervisor, Boulevard Brewing Company, Kansas City, Missouri Taran Winnie, Brewing Team Member, Boulevard Brewing Company, Kansas City, Missouri
It was the summer of 1984, and John McDonald was thirsty. On vacation in Europe, the future founder of Boulevard Brewing Company wandered into a bar specializing in Belgian beers. He tried one, then another and another, amazed by the variety, the aromas, and the flavors. He was hooked. Back home, John couldn’t stop dreaming about those beers. But dreaming was all he could do, because American beers of the time were homogenous and unremarkable. Kansas City, once home to more than a dozen breweries producing a wide array of beers, had succumbed to the industrial onslaught. Nothing was left.
After art school John made his living as a carpenter, always fascinated by the creative process. He couldn’t shake the memory of those amazing beers, and he began to wonder, began to consider the possibilities. He started homebrewing. He visited breweries. He put together a business plan, sold his house to raise money, and set out to find the rest of the resources he would need to start a brewery.
He didn’t have to look far to get started. John lived and worked in an old brick building on Southwest Boulevard that had once housed the laundry for the Santa Fe Railroad. He moved his carpentry shop to a corner and began to build a brewery. It wasn’t ideal, but it was his. It took more than a year and every bit of the money he’d raised to retrofit the building, find the equipment – including a vintage 35-barrel Bavarian brewhouse – and get everything up and running. Finally, in November 1989, the first keg of Boulevard Pale Ale was ready. John loaded it into the back of his pickup and delivered it to a restaurant just a few blocks away.
Word was spreading – Boulevard was making surprisingly good beer. The original business plan called for someday selling 6,000 barrels a year. By the third year sales passed 7,000 barrels, and continued to climb. Boulevard began selling its beers in neighboring cities and states. The original Bavarian brewhouse, designed to produce only a few thousand barrels a year, was approaching 100,000 barrels by 2004, turning out a dozen 1,000 gallon brews each and every day. But it had reached its limit, and a decision loomed.
When John built the brewery deep in the heart of a century-old urban neighborhood, he hadn’t worried about outgrowing it. But it had happened. Now, consultants said the smart move was to relocate to a new site with plenty of room. But the brewery was tightly woven into the fabric of the city, and the Boulevard team was committed to its continued revitalization. So in 2006 a $25 million expansion project brought a new building with a 150-barrel brewhouse, packaging halls, offices and hospitality spaces.
For years John had been eager to drive more experimentation and innovation, but the continuing growth of Unfiltered Wheat Beer and Pale Ale meant the brewery’s limited resources were devoted to the existing line-up. Now, with a new brewhouse, the team’s creative energies were unleashed. The Smokestack Series was launched, featuring an ever-evolving array of even bigger, bolder beers.
Boulevard loves hosting visitors, but as time went on their limited capacity meant they were turning away tens of thousands of people every year. So, in 2016 they opened the Tours & Rec Center next door to the brewery. The fully restored 1929 building serves as a hub for tours, swag, sampling and entertainment, including an experience area with exhibits about beer and Boulevard, a gift shop, and a 10,000 square foot Beer Hall. In 2019, the Tours & Rec Center was further enhanced with the opening of the Rec Deck, a fourth floor gathering space featuring deck and tabletop shuffleboard (and of course, beer).
Mr. Odell has been with Boulevard since 2007. He has held various roles within the brewery, and is currently the Filtration Supervisor. Mr. Winnie joined the Boulevard brewing team in 2022. He’s been working on the Brewhouse since arriving last year. Taran has been involved the industry since 2017 after finishing a Master’s program in Brewing Science.
9:30 AM
Chair: George Tzintzarov, The Aerospace Corporation
9:35 AM
Online DCR measurements in 150 nm CMOS SPADs exposed to low neutron fluxes
L. Ratti1,5, P. Brogi2,5, G. Collazuol3,5, G. Dalla Betta4,5, J. Delgado3,5, P. Marrocchesi2,5, J. Minga1,5, F. Morsani5, L. Pancheri4,5, F. Pino3,5, A. Selva5, F. Stolzi2,5, G. Torilla1,5, C. Vacchi1,5
1. University of Pavia, Italy
2. University of Siena, Italy
3. University of Padova, Italy
4. University of Trento, Italy
5. National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy
Dark count rate is monitored in single- and dual-layer 150 nm CMOS SPADs, during and after irradiation with a neutron source, to investigate the dynamics of defect formation and short- and mid-term annealing.
9:50 AM
Effect of Energy, Flux and Bias Conditions on Proton-Irradiated CMOS Single Photon Avalanche Diodes
A. Jouni1, V. Malherbe2, B. Mamdy2, T. Thery2, V. Correas2, S. De Paoli2, V. Lalucaa1, C. Virmontois1, G. Gasiot2, V. Goiffon3
1. CNES, France
2. STMicroelectronics, France
Different proton energies and fluxes were used to irradiate single photon avalanche diodes. Mean dark count rate increase slightly depends on the incident energy and discrepancies are underlined for different fluxes and bias conditions.
10:05 AM
Impact of Irradiation Temperature, Doping and Proton Energy on InGaAs Photodiodes
M. Benfante1, J. Reverchon1, C. Virmontois2, S. Demiguel3, V. Goiffon4
1. III-V Lab, France
2. CNES, France
3. Thales Alenia Space, France
In this work we show the effects of different parameters on the Dark Current-related Damage Rate. We investigate the proton energy effects with reverse bias, the effects of irradiation temperature and doping.
10:20 AM – 11:05 AM
11:05 AM
Effects of High Fluence Particle Irradiation on Silicon Photonics Photodiodes
L. Olantera1, C. Scarcella1, M. Lalovic1, S. Detraz1, C. Soos1, T. Prousalidi1, C. Sigaud1, U. Sandven1, J. Troska1
1. CERN, Switzerland
Germanium-on-Silicon photodiodes were irradiated with highly-energetic protons and neutrons to fluences exceeding 3×1016particles/cm2. Observed changes in responsivity, dark current, and capacitance indicate excellent radiation tolerance that meets the requirements of next-generation high energy physics experiments.
11:20 AM
Analysis of Optical Single-Event Transients in Integrated Silicon Photonics Mach-Zehnder Modulators for Space-based Optical Communications
M. Hosseinzadeh1, J. Teng1, B. Ringel1, D. Nergui1, A. Ildefonso2, A. Khachatrian2, D. Mcmorrow2, J. Cressler1
1. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
2. U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Integrated SiPh MZMs are exposed to pulsed-laser-induced TPA, and the sensitivity to single-event transients is measured. A numerical model to predict the SET effects on SiPh MZM is developed, as well as a simulation path to validate the model.
11:35 AM
Temperature Cycling Effects on Infrared Radiation-Induced Attenuation of Silica-based Optical Fibers
M. Roche1, A. Morana1, E. Marin1, A. Boukenter1, Y. Ouerdane1, G. Melin2, T. Robin2, N. Balcon3, J. Mekki3, S. Girard1
1. Laboratory Hubert Curien, France
2. iXBlue, France
3. CNES, France
Combined radiation and temperature cycling effects on the 1550 nm radiation-induced attenuation (RIA) levels and kinetics of three commercial optical fibers with different doping (Germanium, Fluor and Phosphorus) have been investigated.
11:50 AM
Chair: Richard Sharp, Radtest Ltd
12:30 PM – 1:45 PM
11:55 AM
Ultra-large silicon solid-state detector for characterizing low-intensity radiation environments
K. Bilko1, R. Garcia2
1. Université Jean Monnet, France
2. CERN, Switzerland
A large silicon solid-state detector is demonstrated as a solution for low-flux radiation field monitoring. The calibration of the detector is presented, with the measurements and simulations from the spectral neutron fields, e.g., atmospheric.
12:10 PM
Progress on a Modeling Framework for GaN FinFET Time-Dependent Responses after Radiation Damage
B. Davidson1, A. Bahadori1, K. Huddleston1, M. Pfeifer1, W. Mcneil1, D. Mcgregor1, S. Sharma1, E. Giunta1
1. Kansas State University, USA
A simulation framework was developed to predict signal formation from radiation events in GaN-based semiconductors before and after ionizing radiation exposure. Progress on modeling response of a FinFET device is shown.
1:45 PM – 4:30 PM
Chair: Andrea Coronetti, CERN
1:45 PM – 4:30 PM
DW-1 Single Event Upset Results from the Radiation Hardened Electronic Memory Experiment in a Geosynchronous Orbit
A. Vera1, A. Cover2, J. Love1, D. Alexander2
1. IDEAS Engineering and Technology, LLC, USA
Results are presented from the Radiation Hardened Electronic Memory Experiment (RHEME-3) performed on the STPSat-6 mission in a polar orbit.
DW-2 Proton Radiation Effect on Barrier Infrared Detector Focal Plane Arrays
A. Azizi1
1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
This work reports effect of proton radiation on barrier infrared detector. The results indicate that proton radiation causes slow increase in dark current. The radiation effect on quantum efficiency of detector is not conclusive.
DW-3 Review of TID effects reported in ProASIC3 and ProASIC3L FPGAs for 3D PLUS camera heads
A. Bosser1, P. Kohler1, J. Salles1, M. Foucher1, J. Bezine1, N. Perrot1, P. Wang1
1. 3D PLUS, France
This paper compares original TID data from ProASIC3L FPGAs with existing literature, discusses the impact of different test flows on the TID response, and correlates the data with TID tests of 3D PLUS camera heads.
DW-4 Investigation of the Zynq-7000 Integrated XADC under Proton Irradiation
J. Budroweit1, F. Eichstaedt1, F. Stehle1
1. DLR e.V., Germany
This paper presents the investigation of the Xilinx Zynq-7000 system on-chip (SoC) integrated analog to digital converter (XADC) for single event effects (SEE) under proton irradiation.
DW-5 Investigation of the Xilinx SEM Core on a Zynq-based Software-Defined Radio under Proton Irradiation
J. Budroweit1, F. Stehle1, F. Eichstaedt1
1. DLR e.V., Germany
This paper presents the latest SEE test results of the Xilinx soft error mitigation (SEM) core under proton irradiation on the Zynq-7000 SoC family.
DW-6 Total Dose and Single-Event Effects Testing of the Intersil ISL73041SEH 12 V Half Bridge GaN FET Driver
M. Campanella1, W. Newman1, N. Van vonno1, D. Wackley1, T. Lok1, L. Pearce1, E. Thomson1
1. Renesas Electronics America, USA
We report the single event effects and low dose rate total ionizing dose test results for the ISL73041SEH radiation hardened PWM input 12 V Half Bridge GaN FET driver.
DW-7 The Aerospace Corporation’s Compendium of Recent Radiation Testing Results
S. Davis1, A. Yarbrough1, R. Koga1, A. Wright1, J. Shanney1, K. Pham1, C. Cao1, J. Dixon1, J. Taggart1, B. Davis1, D. Mabry1
1. The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Radiation testing was performed on several commercial components to determine the response of these components to the space radiation environment. Testing was mostly focused on SEE from protons and heavy ions.
DW-8 A53 SEE Performance in Raspberry Pi and MX8M
S. Guertin1
1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
We report SEE performance of A53 processors in Raspberry Pi 3B+ (BCM2837) and MYiRTech MYC-C8MMQ6 (IMX8M). Error correction features and process SEE performance result in significant reduction in SEFI sensitivity
DW-9 Comparison of Figure of Merit Calculations to On-Orbit Data
R. Sean1, C. David1, B. Vermeire1, D. Hansen1
1. Space Micro, USA
This paper compares upset rates calculated using figure-of-merit methods to on-orbit data in the literature. At GEO, the FOM overestimates the rate except for missions subject to high fluxes of anomalous cosmic rays.
DW-10 Total Dose Performance at Low Dose Rate of Isolated Switching Regulator Evaluation Kits
D. Hiemstra1, S. Shi2, L. Chen2
1. MDA, Canada
2. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Results of Cobalt-60 low dose rate irradiation of isolated switching regulator evaluation kits are provided. Their performance in the space radiation environment is discussed.
DW-11 Guide to the 2022 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop Record
D. Hiemstra1
1. MDA, Canada
The 2022 Workshop Record has been, reviewed and a table prepared to facilitate the search for radiation response data by part number, type, or effect.
DW-12 Single-Event Effects Measurements on COTS Electronic Devices for Use on NASA Mars Missions
F. Irom1, S. Vartanian1, G. Allen1
1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
This paper reports recent single-event effects measurements results for a variety of microelectronic devices that include a voltage level translator, bus driver/buffer, DC-DC buck converter, load switch, power protection mux, transceiver, wireless transceiver, and wireless MCU.
DW-13 NVIDIA Jetson TX2i TID and Proton SEE Testing: Results and a Comparison of Two Proton Beam Facilities
S. Katz1, C. Heistand2, E. Miller3
1. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
2. STOKE Space Technologies Colorado, USA
3. Amazon.com, Inc., USA
Proton SEE test results for similar irradiations of the TX2i by two groups at different facilities show important discrepancies. APL’s radiation test results (proton and TID) are presented; discrepancies are explored through particle transport modelling.
DW-14 Recent Developments to the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute Radiation Effects Facility from 2019-2023
M. Kennas1, B. Roeder1, B. Hyman1, C. Parker1, G. Tabacaru1, G. Avila1, G. Kim1, H. Clark1, H. Park1, V. Horvat1
1. Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute, USA
The Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute Radiation Effects Facility has recently made facility developments that improved the availability of beam hours to address the growing demand for beam time in the radiation effects testing industry.
DW-15 Qualification of a new Total Ionizing Dose Facility Using a Hopewell GR420 Irradiator
S. Khan1, T. Vigilant1
1. Texas Instruments Inc, USA
We report on the qualification of a new Total Ionizing Dose facility using a Hopewell GR420 gamma irradiator with a Cobal-60 source. Device data is correlated to the widely used Gammacell GC220-E
DW-16 Radiation Effects Testing of the Agilex Commercial off-the-shelf CMOS Field Programmable Gate Array with Protons
R. Koga1, S. Davis1, A. Yarbrough1, J. Shanney1, K. Pham1, C. Cao1, K. Pham1, J. Dixon1
1. Aerospace, USA
Observations of proton induced single event effects on the 10 nm Agilex commercial off-the-shelf CMOS FPGA were made at three proton energy levels. The SRAM-based FPGA was sensitive to protons at these energy levels.
DW-17 High-Energy Atmospheric Neutrons Characterization of Microchip LX4580
M. Leuenberger1, R. Stevens1, S. Spanoche1, D. Johnson1
1. Microchip Technology, USA
The high-energy atmospheric neutron single event effect characterization results of Microchip Technology 24 Channel Data Acquisition System with Synchronized Motor Control Interface IC, the LX4580, are presented.
DW-18 Characterization of Low Dose Rate Ionizing Radiation Effect on the Micropac 66266-303 Optocoupler
Y. Liu1, G. Armstrong1, B. Campanini1, S. Messenger2, J. Rodriguez2
1. Micropac Industries Inc, USA
2. Northrop Grumman Corporation, USA
This paper reports low dose rate radiation test results for the Micropac 66266-303 optocoupler and presents LDR effects on the device current transfer ratio. CTR degradations are also compared between 66266 and 66224 optocouplers.
DW-19 Heavy-ion and proton characterization of AMD 7 nm Versal™ multicore scalar processing system (PS)
P. Maillard1, P. Chen1, J. Arver1
1. AMD Inc., USA
This paper presents the heavy-ion and proton single event responses of Xilinx’s 7 nm Versal™ multicore scalar processing system (PS) using Xilinx System Validation Tool (SVT) design suite. SEU, SEFI and SEL results are presented.
DW-20 A rad-hard Time-to-Digital Converter ASIC with a sub-10 ps Single-Shot Precision
B. Van Bockel1, S. Ali1, N. Jadhav1, Y. Cao1, H. Marien1
1. Magics Technologies, Belgium
A rad-hard-by-design time-to-digital converter ASIC with a single-shot precision of sub-10 ps is designed and validated in a standard CMOS technology. The presented electrical characterization and radiation results demonstrate the in-spec performance of the ASIC.
DW-21 Effects of Neutron Radiation on the Current Transfer Ratio of GaAsP and AlGaAs Optocouplers
P. Martin Holgado1, A. Romero Maestre1, J. De Martin Hernandez2, J. González Luján2, 2, M. Dominguez2, Y. Morilla1
1. Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Spain
This work presents the degradation of GaAsP and AlGaAs optocouplers as a result of the 14.5 MeV monoenergetic neutron displacement damage. The exponential degradation of the Current Transfer Ratio parameter is studied.
DW-22 Consistent and Repeatable Transistor Level TID Transistor Array Measurement
R. Melendez1, M. Lenoardo1, L. Clark2, C. Youngsciortino1, S. Guertin1, J. Yang-scharlotta1
1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
We present 22 nm FDSOI transistor total ionizing dose (TID) induced threshold voltage (Vt) shifts measured on a packaged array test structure. Results demonstrate high current fidelity and Vt vs. dose consistency and repeatability.
DW-23 SEE Test Results for SRAM and Register File structures compiled on 22 nm FDSOI (22FDX)
R. Melendez1, S. Guertin1, J. Yang-scharlotta1, L. Clark2
1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
SEE performance of 22 nm FDSOI compiled SRAM and Register File structures presented. SRAM and Register File showed sensitivity to the lowest tested LET (~3 MeV-cm2/mg), and an approximate saturated cross section around 10-10 cm2/bit.
DW-24 SEU and SEFI Characterization of a Frontgrade QCOTS 512 Gb NAND Flash Nonvolatile Memory for Space Applications
P. Nelson1, M. Von thun1, A. Turnbull1, T. Meade1, B. Baranski1
1. Frontgrade Technologies, USA
Single Event Upset (SEU) and Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI) radiation characterization was performed on a Frontgrade quantified-off-the-shelf (QCOTS) 512 Gb 3D NAND flash memory. The device was shown to be suitable for space applications.
DW-25 Combined Displacement Damage and LDR Results of the Intersil ISL73141SEH 3.3 V Analog to Digital Converter
W. Newman1, N. Van vonno1, C. Michalski1, D. Thornberry1, J. Harris1, L. Pearce1
1. Renesas, USA
We report the combined results of the high-precision, 14-bit, 1 MSPS SAR analog-to-digital converter after exposure to 5 x 1011, 2 x 1012, and 1013 neutrons/cm2 followed by 100 krad(Si) LDR total ionizing dose.
DW-26 SEE and TID test results of radiation hardened Superjunction P-channel MOSFETs
R. Patel1, O. Mansilla1
1. IR HiRel an Infineon Technologies Company, USA
A family of radiation hardened P-channel power MOSFETs is developed that are the first P-channel FETs based on Superjunction technology. This work discusses SEE and TID test results of -60 V, -100 V and -200 V P-channel MOSFETs.
DW-27 Comparison of MSU and TAMU Heavy Ion Test Results and Evaluation Output Dependencies of SEUs for the LMK04832-SP (5962R1722701VXC) 3.2 GHz JESD204B Clock Jitter Cleaner with 14 Outputs
K. Kruckmeyer1, R. Gooty1, S. Williams1, V. Vanjari1, D. Payne1
1. Texas Instruments, USA
The LMK04832-SP went through heavy ion testing at MSU and TAMU. SEU results from the two facilities are compared and the impact of a single ion strike on multiple outputs is evaluated.
DW-28 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Current Radiation Effects Test Results
M. Obryan1, E. Wilcox2, M. Joplin2, T. Carstens2, J. Barth2, M. Casey2, J. Lauenstein2, M. Campola2, J. Osheroff1, E. Wyrwas1, A. Antonsanti3, A. Le Roch4, L. Ryder2, K. Ryder2, R. Austin2, M. Berg1, P. Majewicz2, J. Pellish2
1. SSAI, Inc., USA
2. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
3. Southeastern Universities Research Association, USA
4. NASA, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, USA
We present results and analysis investigating the effects of radiation on candidate spacecraft electronics to heavy ion and proton induced single-event effects (SEE), proton-induced displacement damage dose (DDD), and total ionizing dose (TID).
DW-29 Follow-on Testing of the Xilinx Versal Prime
H. Quinn1, C. Corley2, G. Tompkins1, P. Thelen3
2. University of Texas, USA
Update results for neutron testing of the 7 nm Xilinx Versal Prime microprocessors are presented. Results show an improvement over the 2021 results.
DW-30 Irradiation Effects on Power and Timing Characteristics of Commercial 3D NAND Flash Memories
M. Raquibuzzaman1, U. Surendranathan1, M. Buddhanoy1, B. Ray1
1. University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
We explore TID effects on power and timing characteristics of 3D NAND chip. We observe a significant increase in erase time and active power dissipation during memory operations.
DW-31 An Examination of the Radiation Sensitivity of Electronic Display Pixel Technologies
L. Ryder1, E. Wyrwas1, G. Cisneros2, J. Bautista2, X. Xu3, M. Campola1, R. Gaza2
1. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
2. NASA Johnson Space Center, USA
3. NASA Langley Research Center, USA
64 MeV proton irradiation was conducted on pixel technologies that span the range of commercially available electronic displays for crewed missions. Human-centric optical performance metrics are discussed and reported for assessment of pixel radiation susceptibilities.
DW-32 Proton and Heavy Ion SEE Data on NVIDIA and AMD Graphical Processing Units
M. Cannon1, D. Lee1, W. Evans1, I. Troxel2, M. Gruber2, D. Sabogal2
1. Sandia National Laboratories, USA
2. Troxel Aerospace Industries, USA
We present the single-event upset sensitivity and single-event latch-up results from proton and heavy ion testing performed on NVIDIA Xavier NX and AMD Ryzen V1605B GPU devices in both static and dynamic operation.
DW-33 Accelerated Nuclear Radiation Effects on the Raspberry Pi3B+ and Pi4
C. Corley1, H. Quinn2, E. Swartzlander, jr.1
1. University of Texas, USA
Raspberry Pis running Linux and embedded benchmarks were subjected to radiation testing in the neutron beam at LANSCE. ARM A53 versus A72, single-core versus multi-core, and small versus large array SEE cross sections are compared.
DW-34 Single Event Effects and TID Characterization of the Frontgrade Technologies UT24C407 CertusTM-NX-RT FPGA for Space Applications
M. Vonthun1, B. Baranski1, A. Turnbull1
1. Frontgrade Technologies, USA
Single Event Effects (SEE) and Total Ionizing Dose (TID) radiation characterization was performed the Frontgrade Technologies UT24C407 CertusTM-NX-RT FPGA. The device was shown to be suitable for space applications.
DW-35 SEE and TID Characterization of the Frontgrade Technologies 1 Gb NOR Flash Nonvolatile Memory
Vonthun1, D. Bass1, S. Ashenafi1, G. Hoglund1, A. Turnbull1
1. Frontgrade Technologies, USA
A Frontgrade Technologies SONOS based 1 Gb NOR Flash non-volatile memory has been designed, manufactured, and characterized for radiation effects. Heavy Ion single event effects data covering SEL, SEGR, SEU, SET and SEFI will be presented.
DW-36 Single-Event Effects Response of 96- and 176-Layer 3D NAND Flash Memories
E. Wilcox1, M. Joplin1, M. Berg2
1. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
2. SSAI, Inc., USA
Single-event effects testing (heavy-ion and proton) is presented for 96- and 176-layer commercially available 3D NAND flash memory, with emphasis on SEFI detection and recovery.
DW-37 Total Ionizing Dose and Proton Single Event Effects in AMD Ryzen Processor Fabricated in a 12 nm Bulk FinFET Process
J. Taggart1, S. Davis1, R. Daniel1, B. Foran1, D. Bohra1, A. Hall1, A. Wright1
1. The Aerospace Corporation, USA
AMD Ryzen 3200G were tested for TID and SEE effects using Cobalt-60 and 200 MeV protons. The integrated GPU experienced TID effects prior to the CPU and SEFIs were observed during proton testing.
DW-38 Single Event Effects Results for COTS Microcontrollers and Microprocessors
S. Vartanian1, G. Allen1, F. Irom1, A. Daniel1, S. Zajac1
1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
We present single event effects results for a variety of microcontrollers and microprocessors. The devices tested include Blackfin embedded processors from Analog Devices, automotive-grade TI and Infineon microcontrollers with multiple safety features, and the MSP430FR4994.
DW-39L 2023 Compendium of Radiation-Induced Effects for Candidate Particle Accelerator
Ferraro1, G. Panagiotis1, F. Gilles1, V. Antonio1, A. Scialdone1, A. Zimmaro1, K. Sokratis1, G. Bruno1, M. Alessandro1, S. Danzeca1
1. CERN, Switzerland
The sensitivity of a variety of components for particle accelerator electronics has been analyzed against Single Event Effects, Total Ionizing Dose and Displacement Damage. The tested parts include analog, linear, digital, and mixed devices.
DW-40L Neutron Induced Single Event Effect Testing of a Commercial Ferroelectric Memory Device
Deaton1, M. Tostanoski1, M. Peters1, K. Hartojo1, G. Lachiewicz1, T. Fullem2
1.Radiation Test Solutions, Inc., USA
2. Flour Marine Propulsion, USA
Results of neutron (14-MeV) induced single event effect testing of a ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM) device, the Cypress FM25CL64B-GA (64-Kbit (8K x 8) Serial (SPI) F-RAM) are described.
DW-41L Radiation Testing of NVIDIA Jetson Orin AGX System on Module
Slater1, B. Rutherford2, M. Gruber3, D. Sabogal3, I. Troxel3, J. Mee1
1. Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
2. COSMIAC R&D Center of the University of New Mexico, USA
3. Troxel Aerospace Industries, Inc., USA
For this study, proton and total ionizing dose testing was completed on the NVIDIA Jetson Orin AGX using ProNova Solutions proton beam.
DW-42L Single Event Effect Characterization of the GR716A Rad-Hard LEON3FT Microcontroller
Tambara1, A. Oliveira1, F. Hernandez1, F. Johansson1, J. Andersson1
1. Frontgrade Gaisler AB, Sweden
This work presents the SEE characterization of Frontgrade Gaisler’s GR716A mixed-signal radiation-hardened LEON3FT microcontroller. Results show an overall SEE error rate below 7.0×10-6 events/device/day for typical orbits and SEL immunity up to LET 125 MeV.cm²/mg.
DW-43L Total Dose and SEE Testing of the ISL73847SEH Single/Dual Phase Current Mode PWM Controller
Van Vonno1, W. Newman1, L. Pearce1, E. Thomson1, H. Trang1
1. Renesas Electronics America, USA
We report the results of total ionizing dose (TID) and single-event effects (SEE) testing carried out by Renesas Electronics America on the ISL73847SEH Current Mode Pulse Width Modulator.
4:45 PM – 7:00 PM